Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. If I plant my heart, all my potential will grow exponentially, the of its roots will be whatever mood I feel.
  2. If I stand in my hands, I will walk till I can no longer carry on; I will fall only by continuously doubting myself.  The people I take with me are only those that truly want me to succeed.
  3. If I peak under the tent if life, I will hear the sound of all creatures living and commingling with each other, the sound of life itself.  I will see the universe moving and shaping itself; only the dark. gray matter can make me sneeze.
  4. Fingers are named “Experience” because you experience life through touch.  Toes are named “Feeling” because you can feel the earth breathe beneath your toes.  Each hand and foot are named “Risk” because you can alway reach into the unknown.  A nose is named “Opinion” because the scent of something can have a strong impact on what you may think of them.
  5. What I love most to count is how many blessings I have received throughout my lifetime.  What cannot be counted is the amount of thankfulness I feel every day.
  6. My silliest song was founded when I was at my lowest and believed I had no one to confide in or to help me.  My good luck charm was founded when I had nothing left to lose.
  7. I don’t ever run out of surprises because I have infinite room to grow.  My supplier is my determination.
  8. My level of procrastination us what I love at the bottom; my fear of not succeeding or making it is what I fear at the top.
  9. A world that is nothing but ocean and peace is where I would like to fly and my wings look like ocean currents guiding me through my journey.
  10. My favorite memory is trapped under my fear that one day it will disappear from my mind; the next place it is going is in my heart for all eternity.
  11. I would want to be caught in a tsunami so that I can watch the underworld conquer a world out of its element.
  12. I will grant my mother’s wish to not have to ever worry about money.
  13. I would disappear into blue so that I can see everyone on a clear day.

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